Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Free Book: Short Stories for Reading Comprehension

The first 100 people to follow me on Pinterest (or until January 1, 2014...whichever comes first) will receive a free copy of this book.

Just follow me on Pinterest, and email me at to let me know that you have followed me on Pinterest, and I will email you the book.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Ordinary Adventures of Kerry Brown: Scrambled Eggs

In this short story, Kerry Brown is excited about making scrambled eggs for the first time, but she fails. She is persistent, and eventually gets it right.
This story includes vocabulary and questions.
This is a good story for teaching students about theme.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Here is a free nonfiction article with questions about the first Thanksgiving.
Click Here

The entire workbook includes articles, math word problems, grammar/editing, and more.  You can buy the entire workbook for $1.50.
Click Here