Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All My Single Teachers: Have a Great Summer

Five Ways for Single Teachers to Have a Great Summer!

As teachers, we all look forward to hearing that last bell of the year. There is a certain euphoria as we lock up our classrooms and say goodbye for the summer. However, as a single person, if you don’t have a plan, then that euphoria can soon turn into boredom and depression.
There are several reasons why the summer can be challenging for single teachers:
1. During the school year, you are crazy busy, and you don’t even have time to think about certain issues or problems. So during the summer, when you have more down time, you are forced to deal with certain issues, such as sick parent, an alienated sibling, or a break up. During the school year, we are so busy that we can avoid dealing with these issues by throwing ourselves into our work.
2. You are used to being needed, in demand. Even though we complain that we are being pulled in 100 different directions during the school year, when that demand for our attention suddenly stops, we may feel like we don’t have a purpose, that we aren’t needed.
3. You’re on vacation, but your friends and family are not. Suddenly, you’re free to travel, shop, and go to the movies, but you look around and your friends and family are working. They may not want to hang out late with you because they have to get up and go to work. And, even if you have teacher friends, if they are married, they will have family obligations.

So how can you ensure that you have a great summer and come back in the fall happy and refreshed? Well I’m glad you asked.
1. Decide on at least two projects that you will complete by the end of the summer.
For example, I am determined to have a body like Rhiana by August, so I hired a personal trainer. I am also writing short stories and working on my blog.
You may consider publishing a workbook, an educational book, or a novel. Check out this blog on self-publishing: http://freethingsforteachers.blogspot.com/2010/01/how-to-self-publish-your-teacher.html
2. Make sure that you have a plan for each day. I try to write down at least five things that I intend to accomplish each day. I also set my alarm clock for 8:00 a.m. each morning. (I am not saying I don’t hit the snooze button 5 times, but it’s a start.)
3. Volunteer This is a great way to learn new skills and meet new people. I found the following sight to be helpful: http://www.volunteermatch.org/.
4. Set up lunch lunch dates with your family and friends who are not on vacation. It is a great way to reconnect.
5. If you are dating someone, don’t be clingy because you are not working. It is easy to ruin a relationship (especially a new one) if you are constantly calling your significant other and expecting him/her to entertain you. Continue to be the strong independent woman (or man) that he/she fell in love with. And if you just got out of an unhealthy relationship, avoid contacting him/her just because you are bored or lonely.

The bottom line is RELAX and ENJOY your summer. The fall will be here before you know it!

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