"Teachers don't get paid enough," is what we constantly hear, but if you budget your money correctly and find ways to get paid for your expertise, you'll be able to keep the job you love and pay the mortgage.
Save Money Without Even Missing It When you pay off a bill or when you get your yearly raise; automatically have the money you saved or made transferred to your savings account. For example, when I paid off my computer loan, I had the 75.00 that I saved automatically transferred to my savings account. I didn't even miss it.
Join the State Employees Credit Union If you haven't already, make sure that you become a member of your State Employees Credit Union. My credit card through the credit union only has 10% interest. Also, they have great perks. For instance, in North Carolina, if you make less than 40,000, you can get your taxes done for free.
Get your a Side Hustle On Use your expertise in education to make EXTRA money. I signed up as an editor at
Enotes, and I can make $25.00-$50.00 extra a month by answering questions about literature or uploading worksheets that I created for my students. Check out my site for more info:
Free Things for Teachers: Enotes EditorYou can also sell your work at:
Teachers Pay Teachers4.
Find sites that offer FREE STUFF There are many sites like
Free Things for Teachers and
Teacher's Coffeehouse that cater to teachers.
Enotes is another site that offers free worksheets and lesson plans for teachers. Also find free posters at this site:
Free Posters5.
Write a Book or a Workbook There are many places where your can self-publish books for little or no money. Check out this article about self-publishing your teacher materials:
Self Publishing Your Teacher Materials
Teach Online In some states, there are virtual high schools that offer courses throughout the year and during the summer. They pay around $200 per student in North Carolina. Check out the following sites:
North Carolina Virtual Public SchoolFlorida Virtual School
Stop Buying New Books You can buy books that are in great condition at a fraction of the price at:
Stop Paying Full Price for Software- There are several sites that offer up to 75% off on popular software including Microsoft and Adobe. Check out this article for more information:
Cheap SoftwareIf 75% off isn’t enough of a discount for you, you can get free open source software at:
Free Sofware9.
Give to Others-- As Christian, I believe in tithing 10% of my income. I try to donate 10% of my income to a local Christian charity every month. I always feel better about my finances when I am helping others.
http://www.freethingsforteachers.com/written by: Sharron Scott